KG Power Systems

Phone Icon (631) 342-1171

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday

 8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. EST

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Compressed Air Systems

With increasing energy costs a fact of life for business, and carbon and emissions levies and taxes a looming reality, the performance and efficiency of your compressed air systems have never been more important. Potential energy savings not only reduce the environmental impact of your business, they also return money to your bottom line. CompAir Audits provide complete air auditing services for compressed air systems: To achieve the lowest operating cost for the compressed air system and a fast return on any investment; and to improve manufacturing productivity. CompAir Air Audits are performed to the highest standard: Delivering detailed reports and analysis of your compressed air system; and identifying improvements in your compressed air system through system performance optimisation, leak reduction and practical air management processes.

Electromechanical Devices (Electric Motors, Pumps, Gearing, & HVAC)

We look for worn parts, rubber or metal residue from your connections, oil spills, soft foot problems, leaks, high amperages, excess vibration and noise... etc. Our laser alignment device ensures all spinning connections are dead on straight. We also conduct vibration analysis with our dynamic balancer.